This blog is made so you and I can earn money.This blog will get more stuff about moneymaking, referrals and affiliates. And it's also about funny and useful stuff you can use at your blog. And links to interesting sites.It's a lot of funny stuff out there.

Thursday, April 26, 2007


Get Text on your blog and make $ 25 for each referrals, see and example of a widget for text link ads at the left and the top of this blog, It's take 5 minutes, you can join the affiliate program for free. If you have enough visitors you can also get the text ads and make more money.


Wednesday, April 25, 2007


If you have a blog it is the moment to start with shopping, it's going bigger and bigger. Just try and see, it free to try. With it will take you 10 minutes, se and example at you can choise from a lot of stuff there, not just books, and it is many ways to publish the shop. You also have zlio, make your own shop, with very many different things to sell. see a example here You can make a widget from your own shop at your own blog, see to the right at this blog. With you also can make money from referrals, make money from your refferals shop.


Sunday, April 22, 2007


It is not easy to make money on internet, most of us just make a few dollar. See 101 ways to make money or not at : After reading many blogs and sites about making money, you will see that you must be creative to make anything. It is millions out there trying to make money or trying to take your money (or your time). It also many blog talking about "making money" so it is not easy to tell anything new. We can read and learn from everywhere on the net. So sometimes I will give you links to interesting sites, instead of writing about the theme. Its' a lot of good stuff about everything out there. Coming back later with links and info about moneyblogs. See under construction.


Friday, April 20, 2007

LAYOUT scroll list

If you want to make money from your blog, you have to design your blog in a good way. I am not the best (yet), and it is so much to do, I do not no where to start. You need a lot of links to other, but it can be to many links. Maybe a scrolling list is what you need se at the left of my blog, you can design it in many ways, see info at scrolling.html. In the scrolling list you can see links to a lot of blogs about design, hacks etc, you will get everything you need from this bloggers and more. You can also get widgets from, they have much funny stuff. see more links about widgets at Will write more about this later.


Monday, April 16, 2007


Wizard Animation
A question is how much widgets and other things shall you have on your blog. If you have too much the blog will be a big mess. If you dont have anything will the blog be boring, maybe. I have not the answer, but it is important to find it. It is the same problem with ads, how many and how big and the place to put them. I will come back to it later. If somebody have som answers please tell me.


Sunday, April 15, 2007


It is a lot of people who tell me about getting money on internt. They use a lot of time being members at sites were they are clicking on ads,videos,blogs etc. to get a few cents. Many many clicks and days later they have earned a dollar, and often the site is a scam. I do not call that making money on internet I call it boring work. To make money on internet is about doing as little as possible, let the crowd do the work. Do not be one in the crowd. Read about crowding theory on the net and learn a lot.

You have to make sites and blogs that give you money from the crowd, without working to much. Its many ways to get a lot of readers, wright often on your blog, that give you people and its fun, but takes some times. You can also make a blog just with a lot of links, its a one time job, just promote it. Take a specific theme and make the best link site about the theme, 700 links or so. It will take a whole day to make, and a day to promote the blog on a lot of forum about the theme. Now you can do nothing, just site back and get the money from your ads. Make some advertising once a week on forums and get more people and money. see and example on


Friday, April 13, 2007

videosharing again

It is a lot of videos out there on a lot of videosites, som give you money, most of them give you just 15 minutes of fame (or less). Some have contest there you can win something, like but my point today is if you put your video on the net, bad or good, you will very soon find your video everywhere. Your video will be on sites you never will now about. And many put your video on sites were they make money on your video. Everybody steal on internet also your video. So if you wont to make money on videosharing be sure to put your video on every paysites at once, if you dont do somebody else will do it. And example see the video on the bottom of the blog, I share it one place and now it is everywhere, and somebody (I think) have also made his own video with the same trick. So if the theme is easy, people will copy you and make money. see also the article videosharing below. See also a video search engine where you can find videos from many videosites.


Sunday, April 8, 2007


It is a lot of video online sharing sites on the internet. Youtube and all the others. You can find them all at Most of them do not pay you anything. But a few of pay you money for the videos, see and overview at Kumikos blog . Remember you can also use revver videos on flixya and get money from both of them. We have also and ugly site that also pay you, and here you can take videos from youtube/google and get paid for it, go and see for info. At last you have magnify her is and example, you can take videos in and easy way from others, and make your own video site, get paid from google ads.


Friday, April 6, 2007


Creat your own online zlio shop in 5 minutes. And also get it in to your blog, see the widget to the right, its an example. Get also money for referrals. GO and look at zlio, they going better and better.
