This blog is made so you and I can earn money.This blog will get more stuff about moneymaking, referrals and affiliates. And it's also about funny and useful stuff you can use at your blog. And links to interesting sites.It's a lot of funny stuff out there.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


The new spokeo has arrived, see it at this is what is it about

What can I do with Spokeo?
Stay up to date with friends all over the Web
Spokeo checks on your friends to see who's favorited new videos on Youtube, uploaded photos to MySpace, or blogged on Blogger. Spokeo tracks friends for you, so you won't miss an update.
Instantly see what has changed in your network
Spokeo remembers what you've read and highlights what you haven't read. You can get an overview of all the newest updates from your friends, and avoid reading the same old content.
Organize friends in a AIM-like buddy list
Spokeo aggregates your friends from different social networks into a central buddy list. You can group, reorder, merge, and delete friends with simple drag-and-drop actions.
Track friends alongside RSS feeds
In addition to tracking photos, videos, and music on social networks, Spokeo is a full RSS/Atom reader. Import friends and feeds to get all the latest news in one place.



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